Mixed-use development on the border of two important city landscapes, corresponding with old Town part and industrial shipyard area. Nadmotlavie transforms old, neglected port areas of Polish Hook peninsula into vibrant city area, plenty of different new functions – housing, commercial, recreational. Our main purpose was to use the unique values of the location on the river bank with panoramic views of the old Town and characteristic shipyard cranes landscape. Natural yet brave design decision was to maximize the view by opening the front of the building. To achieve this we’ve decided to resign from the typical high front facade, leaving only ground floor elevation and to frame the view with the hanging bridge construction. This enabled the river view and city panorama from the back of the building, inner patio areas and top of the bridge recreational terrace. We have put the building on the ground floor base filled with commercial and shops from the river side. Naturally created first floor patio serves all kinds of recreational activities, open to all building inhabitants. That’s 2 700m2 of greenery, park paths, open air gym and children playgrounds. Wide windows both in commercial areas and apartments connect the building with its staggering surroundings. Elevations finished with corten steel sheets, brick walls, fibre cement panels and render scale the building into smaller, human centered proportions. Top terrace has been perforated with light wells to enable better environment for trees planted on the lower patio and light to penetrate underneath the bridge. Central transparent steel staircase connects both levels of patio and bridge terrace maximizing the river front experience. All our design decisions created strong, characteristic building, unique and significant in its dialogue with the city scape and closest neighbour – the Motlava river. That is our idea of creating vibrant and inviting architecture for both its inhabitants and all of the guests that come to Gdańsk by boats.
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